This is Me


I'm wearing a sculpture made with the origami technique of folding, using tracing paper.

I'm wearing a sculpture made with the origami technique of folding, using tracing paper.


Why Hug Your House?


This sweet turn of phrase began with my father many, many years ago. Always sentimental and ready to shed a tear in happiness, Pupp, as he was affectionately known, coined this term as a substitute for saying goodbye. Like the French who say au revoir or “‘til we meet again.”

Although the tug at the heart when parting was indeed profound, Hug Your House meant that when you arrive at your home when you leave ‘here’, embrace it, love your space and the people who reside in it with all your might.  This was his way to make known his respect and a blessing of love. It became part of our family tradition which we continue.

When the stresses of daily life and uncertainty may cast its cold shadows, coming together in harmony and warm laughter ensures the shadows draw away. When it’s time to return to your own place, Hug Your House arrives home with you when you step across your threshold, and you remember…

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