An elegant interior for students, staff, and a practicing law firm.


The law student is placed to be even more attentive to a client’s needs with information - gathering done via robotic programs. The interior reflects this humanity through the natural concept of tree and the paper that still contains the written Law.


Section A

Folded trace, conceptually constructed to create the branching forms of the law school interior. Also an allusion to the heritage-listed Morton Bay Fig tree on Murray Street.

The acoustic wall panelling - ply and felt, harmonise with the heritage stone of the exterior. By 'touching the heritage walls lightly', the installations can be removed if time presents a new tenant with different needs.

Custom tables and seating as well as purchased furniture complete the interior environment for students, lecturers and a practising law firm.


Floor Plans


Ground Floor


First Floor



Section BB. AutoCAD and Photoshop Collage.


Consultation Cubicle


Revit Model




Exploration of Concepts


Urban Context (Illustrator)

Sketch of Immediate City Context


Revit Model



The art of visual communication is a developing skill. With the testing of various mediums,a selected building is brought to a finished impression.


Conceptual Render


Stairs at the heart of each plan. This image developed from playing with Revit's render settings.





















The CAD program Revit was used to build the Trio Houses.



Interior Renders


Drawings made using the Revit model line work, hand rendered with artist's pencils and posterised in Photoshop. A sepia layer adds a subtle ambience to the scenes.


Rendered facade using Revit's internal rendering engine.



The kitchen and dining breakout space is designed for LULU Lemon’s office. A dynamic open plan provides freedom for casual eating with areas to relax or collaborate with colleagues.





Floor Plan

Colours are soft - toned to allow the people within the space to take precedence; a reflection of the practice of yoga that is at the heart of LULU Lemon’s philosophy.

A fixed table on entry, directs movement and the eyes to an outdoor alfresco area - the design maintains a series of parallel ‘lines’.


An energising floor design created with marmoleum, draws the occupant into the space. This design reflects the type of activity taking place - whether meeting, eating or greeting.

Offset parallelograms encourage moving a table and stools as desired.

As the occupant moves deeper into the room, couches provide a place for relaxing.

The floor design takes its shapes from sunlight that enters through selected windows at the winter solstice.

Elevation - Kitchen Zone

Floor tones transfer to the walls as swatches of colour.

Ample storage is provided with the convenience of drawers, wall cupboards, and shelving.

A scribble board informs the team for training, or for fun.


Elevation - To Alfresco Area


Materials and Mood


Construction Drawings



Simplicity, minimalism and silence is the aesthetic of the main chapel of Ibaraki Kasugaoka Church, by Tadao Ando. Through drawing and model making these qualities can be visualised.


Model - White core board and matt board.


Representing the Church


Marco Casagrande is an architect known for finding solutions to 'everyday problems'. He is also known as "an architectural maverick ". The selected example is ' Future Pavilion', in which he has used graphite pencil to render a design. Using various hatching methods he deftly illustrates any elements that lead the viewer on a 'treasure hunt' to discover his purpose.


'My design  is  organic. I don' t control architecture, I grow It. I need to find a way to be present in the situation where the architecture is growing from. Sketching  helpsbut to be present  is the real key."

Marco Casagrande of Casagrande Iaroratory



"Future Pavillion", after Marco Casagrande.


Drawing - graphite pencil. Plan view.


Drawing - graphite pencil. Sectional perspective.

The measured drawings of a heritage listed, Art Deco style building, built in 1940. It enshrouds a modern, collaborative workspace.


A stream's bubbling flow inspires the interior.





United Friendlies Chemist - rendered view. (Revit)


Floor Plan


Plan View


Section Perspectives


Eastern Sectional Perspective

Southern sectional perspective.

Wire frame of southern sectional perspective.


Measured Drawings


Historical Timeline

Condition Report_Landscape_Title Page_w Timeline.jpg

The numbers that represent time don't empathise with the people who returned, scarred from seen and unseen battle wounds, and that this little building provided some shelter and comfort from a community that cared.


Condition Report


Image legend and sample page of images.



The core idea is sustainability; using making skills to create a solar light from recyclable materials.


I'm inspired by the making skills of individuals and communities that have very few resources. They are able to make use of materials available to them to provide for themselves items that are needed every day.

Here, I have collected aluminium drink cans, coat hanger wire, repurposed LED globes, and with my own making skills, I've built a light - worthy of hanging from any bush tree!


Perforated light source.




With the knowledge that the shape of the light source affects the subsequent shadow/light display on objects, the intent was to emulate the effect of sunlight through the leaves of a tree.


Light and shadow - Solar eclipse on brick wall (left).




Revit model.


Idealised, lemonade can chandelier!


AutoCAD drawings.