An elegant interior for students, staff, and a practicing law firm.


The law student is placed to be even more attentive to a client’s needs with information - gathering done via robotic programs. The interior reflects this humanity through the natural concept of tree and the paper that still contains the written Law.


Section A

Folded trace, conceptually constructed to create the branching forms of the law school interior. Also an allusion to the heritage-listed Morton Bay Fig tree on Murray Street.

The acoustic wall panelling - ply and felt, harmonise with the heritage stone of the exterior. By 'touching the heritage walls lightly', the installations can be removed if time presents a new tenant with different needs.

Custom tables and seating as well as purchased furniture complete the interior environment for students, lecturers and a practising law firm.


Floor Plans


Ground Floor


First Floor



Section BB. AutoCAD and Photoshop Collage.


Consultation Cubicle


Revit Model




Exploration of Concepts


Urban Context (Illustrator)

Sketch of Immediate City Context


Revit Model