An elegant interior for students, staff, and a practicing law firm.
The law student is placed to be even more attentive to a client’s needs with information - gathering done via robotic programs. The interior reflects this humanity through the natural concept of tree and the paper that still contains the written Law.
Section A
Folded trace, conceptually constructed to create the branching forms of the law school interior. Also an allusion to the heritage-listed Morton Bay Fig tree on Murray Street.
The acoustic wall panelling - ply and felt, harmonise with the heritage stone of the exterior. By 'touching the heritage walls lightly', the installations can be removed if time presents a new tenant with different needs.
Custom tables and seating as well as purchased furniture complete the interior environment for students, lecturers and a practising law firm.
Floor Plans
Ground Floor
First Floor
Section BB. AutoCAD and Photoshop Collage.
Consultation Cubicle
Revit Model
Exploration of Concepts
Urban Context (Illustrator)
Sketch of Immediate City Context